Friday, February 11, 2022

"I've graduated college... What Now?"


    As a child, some adults make it sound like life would go on smoothly right after you get that diploma with your name and college degree printed on it. Only to find yourself lost and not knowing what to do next after all those years of studying. Sure, many fresh graduates already know where they're headed towards their career, but there are still some who still can't decide what they're going to do.

    If you live in my country, finding a job related to your chosen field is pretty challenging if you don't have connections. Most companies require a job experience before accepting applicants, leaving very small chances for those who are just starting with their career. So... what do I do now?

1. Don't give up

    After a few rejections, some of us would feel disappointed and feel the urge to give up. DON'T. Keep submitting those resume and surely one of those companies will be taking interest in you.

2. Step out of your comfort zone

    Most graduates aim to get a job in their chosen field one day. But if you're having a hard time getting into your dream company, maybe it's time to chose another path for the meantime. Get an entry level job somewhere who accepts those without any job experience. This'll equip you with new skills, expand your network, and may give you the required experience the bigger companies are looking for. This will also help you get to know yourself more and discover other things that you can do.

3. Confidence is key

    Many companies, especially those that require you to face a lot of people will observe how you carry yourself during the interviews. When they ask you questions they are often checking how fast and clear you deliver your thoughts and how confident you are. Keep yourself calm and answer those questions as natural as possible. Imagine yourself in class, explaining to your teacher during a recitation.

4. Don't let them get to you

    Once you get that job, you will be introduced to a new group of people. And not all of them are pleasant. Some will see you as a threat and give you a hard time, some will not be appreciative enough, some will make you uncomfortable. This is part of the life as an employee. Every company out there will have their own set of people who is set to make your life miserable. But don't let them get to you, focus on your goals, connect with colleagues who are willing to help you grow. If they step over the line, let the human resources do their job. Only quit when you think they're already causing harm to you and you are getting no help.

5. Don't feel pressured.

    Thanks to social media, we're now updated with our batchmate's lives. We see how they're doing, some are already getting married, buying their first car, or getting that dream vacation they've always wanted. As happy as we are for them, some can't help but feel pressured and compare others' success to theirs. Not to mention family members who has a lot of expectations on you. This triggers a lot of anxiety and self doubt. Don't let yourself fall into this and remember to move at your own pace. You will get there someday, trust yourself.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Empire joins the Matcha Craze

It has been almost half a year since Empire of Sweets opened. In the course of six months, Ms. Eunice's creations caught the attention of many dessert lovers out there. Her banoffee pies gained her regular customers as well as new ones, and they all love it! Orders come on a regular basis and thanks to this, business is steadily growing. Due to many customers patronizing her sweets, it's been decided that it's time to draw out new flavors on the menu.

The first new addition is none other than one of the favorite flavors of 2016. Matcha is undoubtedly one of this year's superfood, invading everything in the food market. From chocolates, cakes, drinks, and even pasta, this oriental flavor rapidly took the world by storm not only because of the green tea's taste but also its known health benefits. Empire of Sweets' Matcha Oreo comes in two sizes just like the original flavored pies. You may get Matcha Oreo for ₱150 and Round Matcha Oreo for ₱370.

A second new addition to the Empire's creations have just been developed a few days ago. 
Mangoes and Cream will be out for sale SOON! ;)

Empire of Sweets is located in F. Sario Street, Paete, Laguna, Philippines

You may contact Empire of Sweets by clicking HERE!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

AKB48's Filipina Sister Group

Ahhh.... AKB48, the idol group with the largest number of members not only in Japan but in the world. Not only that, they went on to create sister groups with the same amount of members. YES., they have 48 members each group. The 48 family was produced by Yasushi Akimoto who wanted to form a unique idol who could perform regularly in their own theater.

AKB48 is currently the top girl group in Japan and has come as far as expanding outside their home country. International sister groups debuted like JKT48 and SNH48. Last March of this year, three new groups outside Japan is set to be formed. One of them is MNL48 or Manila 48 and will be consisting of Filipina girls aged 15-20.

MNL48 auditions had just begun this month, girls who are dreaming to become idols have registered in the group's official website while encouraging their supporters to vote for them. Well, many are questioning what is with the "Like" system but some fans  assume that it is for marketing purposes so that locals will be aware what the hell MNL48 or AKB48 is.

If you are curious about AKB48's music then you may check it out HERE.

So~ what does a girl applying to become an idol has to be aware of?

1.) Love Ban - Although lovelife is not really an issue for Filipinos, IT IS for Japanese fans, and the 48 group is owned by a Japanese producer. So there is a huge possibility that the love ban will also be applied. No boyfriends until you graduate from the group"Become an idol or stay with bae"? That is the question.

2.) Attitude - An idol is responsible for his/her actions as well as the words coming from his/her mouth. Idols are calld "idols" for a reason. They serve as inspirations to their fan as well as a role model to the young ones.

3.) Dedication - Being an idol is not easy, your job is to smile in front of the cameras despite being dead tired. You must be dedicated with your job to make people happy through music. You must be comfortable with whatever you will have to wear or act like when facing the public. And you should be able to balance your studies and your work.

The road to being a performer is still long, but I wish all applicants good luck! You're lucky enough to get an opportunity like this so don't give up! I would have joind if only it came 2 yars earlier *sulks in the corner*  #TeamOverage

You may vote for your candidate on and help them reach their dreams!  (OwO)

Speaking of support....  while you're at it, please support Mao and Yuru by hitting the like button on their profiles ^u^ You may vote by registering as a fan on the website (it's free don't worry).

Thank you all in advance! ^_^

Friday, November 18, 2016

7 Things Dachshund Parents Have to Deal With

Meet my little pooch, Perry! 

The Dachshund is one of the well-known dog breeds in the world. Originated from Germany, this long bodied canine was made to hunt badgers. Even the name Dachshund literally means "Badger Dog". This breed attracted many pet lovers out there due to their temperament. But what is it really like owning a Dachshund?

#1 Woof! Woof! BARK! SQUIRREL!!!!

If there is one thing almost Doxie owners experience, it's the hound's relentless barking. Dachshunds LOVE to bark. They bark at cats, people passing by, other dogs, random noises and even your granny's umbrella.  These barking sessions are often really hard to stop. Not to mention their barks are surprisingly loud for a small dog.

#2 We share or you sleep over there!

Image result for dachshund funny

Dachshunds have a strong belief that it is in the Republic of Dachshund Law no. 2364 that they get on your furnitures, most specifically your bed. They would immediately jump on the bed once they get the chance to. They love burrowing under pillows and blankets much to the surprise of their owners when they accidentally get sat on.

#3 Got it!.... nahhh I'll do it later

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If there is another thing dachshund parents would say they've experienced... it's their little friend's stubborn attitude. These little spawns of hotdogs and sausages are absolutely smart. They can learn various commands and remember them, but once they're not in the mood... don't expect them to finish their Potty Training 101 course.

#4 Notice me human!

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Timmy can very much tolerate other pets in the house.... as long as you notice him... all the time. Our little friend can get quite jealous when they're not the center of attention. He is  very attached to his human and would love it to spend day and night with Mommy Sharla. If she leaves, little Timmy cries.


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You are exhausted from work or just having a bad day at school and can't wait to go home to rest. You see your little Papi waiting for you at your doorsteps. He sees you then he starts running around wildy. In the middle of his running  he trips and stumbles to your feet. You laugh at him and feel like your tiredness went away. Whether he meant it or not, the dachshund is a natural comedian. Sometimes, their curiosity will lead to something hilarious.

#6 I cuddle you, you cuddle me. Happy cuddles day!

Image result for dachshund cuddle

Dachshunds are very affectionate animals... and a bit clingy too. They love to be by your side, leaning their head on your leg. They give you little pooch kisses. They sit on your lap when you watch TV...They curl up beside you when you lie down. Who needs a stuffed toy to cuddle with when you have your warm little friend with you?

#7 I'll always be your pooch for the rest of my life

 Like any other dogs, you are their most important person. They will spend their entire lives guarding you, easing your pains,and lend their ears to listen to you when you need them. They won't judge you. All they care about is they love you... that's why we should return that love by simply taking good care of them. Because one day , the time will cime that we'll wake up without them. The companion we spent our time with will one day be gone and we will have to live on without them. The hardest day a pet parent have to deal with.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Laguna's Sweet Empire arises

Get your sweet tooth ready, because a new shop called Empire of Sweets has started satisfying our tastebuds. Its queen, Eunice Navarro of Paete, Laguna began selling her own banoffee pies through online and phone orders. New products was added later on due to positive feedback from happy customers. With a price range of 100 to 330 pesos, it's pretty reasonable compared to other shops with prices higher than the size of their products. What's in for this budding business? We'll see soon enough. They don't have a physical store yet so if  you want to try out their sweets, just click HERE or their logo above and you shall be redirected to Hogwarts... I mean, their facebook page. And hopefully, someday, we'll finally see this shop physically, even better, a branch of it when we walk down the street or even inside malls. It's a pretty big dream for a small business but hey, small seedlings can grow into magnificent trees if you give loads of care and attention to it.

Empire of Sweets products

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Bonchon Chicken: Creamy Curry Bibimbowl

So, I went to eat dinner at Bonchon Chicken today and saw that they have this new product that I decided to try: their Creamy Curry Bibimbowl. It's basically bibimbowl with a touch of  korean curry, and still come out in two flavors : chicken and beef. It's the same price as their regular bibimbowl too (99PHP for ala carte and 155PHP for the rice box meal).

The actual Creamy Curry Bowl
I actually decided to try this out because I like curries and I seldom eat them because mom doesn't make them at home.... because she doesn't like it. When my order arrived, I decided to make a blog about it so ta-daaahhh~ here it is! Creamy Curry has the usual chicken/beef in it, green peas, potatoes, onions and of course the curry sauce. It tastes like the regular curry, only with the chicken fillet. I wasn't able to finish it (I finished the soup though lol!) because it has a weird after-taste to me, I dunno why, I usually love curry.... maybe it's the onions? I don't like onions so maybe that's why. The grean peas are kinda hard to chew also that's why I didn't like it that much. So yeah, instead of finishing the rice bowl I ended up taking the beef soup to ward off the taste.  Sadly, it didn't work for me so I'll be reverting to my usual regular chicken bibimbowl. Everyone has their own taste with food though so you may want to check it out too. 

Sunday, February 14, 2016

New! Bonchon Chicken, Bibimbowl

First food post! Yey! Lol!!

Tonight I'll talk about... Bonchon Chicken's new product, which is the Bonchon Bibimbowl. It is inspired by the Korean meal called Bibimbap which literally meant "mixed rice".
Bonchon's bibimbowl costs  99php each for ala carte and 155php for a complete meal with drinks and soup.

This is the third time I've ordered this so far, I always choose chicken... because I don't like beef, I find them hard to chew. Burgers are excluded hahaha!
So here it is the chicken bibimbowl. It looks almost the same as it looks like on the advertisement only the ads are more neat (well of course! *insert my bestfriends voice here*). So they have carrots, chicken, fried eggs, dried seaweed/nori... I dunno how it's called in Korean. And then there's spicy sweet and sour sauce in the middle. And as you can see they used a bowl...look at all the rice down there.

As you normally eat a bibimbap, you mix it first... who doesn't mix it? It's supposed to be mixed people!
Tada!! done mixing!
There, done mixing...

Bonchon's Bibimbowl tastes great honestly, the ingredients compliment each other well, and I like how they used fried chicken on it. Plus it's price is pretty cheap, it will really satisfy your hunger.
But sadly.. I prefer Mr. Kimbob's Bibimbap, why? Let's see... I think Bonchon's version lacks some spicy factor in it? Plus Mr. Kimbob uses sunny side-ups on their bibimbaps which adds to the flavor of their meal. The sauce they (Bonchon) put isn't enough to cover all those ingredients. It still tastes good though. I'll probably have another bowl when I go to SM.