Monday, November 23, 2015

Aldub Nation: The Bad Side

Okay, first of all, I myself is an Aldub fan. I watch Kalyeserye and follow Maine Mendoza and Alden Richard's social media. So I am writing this as your dear ol' regular fangirl... cuz I am a fangirl even before I knew about Aldub. And please be reminded that this post is opinionated, it is not intended to bash of offend anyone, I'm just stating what I observed. Also, I am not generalizing, I just meant SOME OF THEM.


Let's start with the negatives before I forget what they are:
  1. Crossing the Line. I keep on seeing Aldub on every single social media sites I have and I can't help but notice those "Aldub vs. -insert Kpop group here-", "Aldub vs. -hollywood couple-", And the one that really got into me "Aldub is better than AKB48". Seriously guys? Seriously? I do understand how proud you are with Aldub and their fanbase but what is the point of comparing them with other international stars? Do you know what you're doing is ruining Aldub's image as well?  You are inviting haters by doing that. So I see no point on provoking other bigger fan-base out there. Yes, Aldub can now be watched on CNN and other international news, but not all foreigners would even care what in the friggin' world "Aldub" is. It is not a good idea to be aggressive to other fandoms because just like you, they will not hesitate to protect their idols. 
  2. #PatolPaMore. On every negative post about Aldub, so called "Aldub Warriors" appear and rant that person down.  You know everyone has their own opinion and they're just sharing theirs as I am sharing mine right now. Every time you cyber-bully them it will not even ease the tension. You're just making things worst. Let them rant! It will naturally show their personality. As a line from Memoirs of a Geisha says "Sometimes, the smartest remark is silence."
  3. Magpahinga ka naman uyyyyy! There are fans there who talk about aldub 24/7 like seriously guys... stop! Can't you think of another topic? Hearing about the same people every single day is annoying... even for a fan like me. I do understand that Kalyeserye is a good stress reliever okay? But puh-lease...
  4. #StalkPaMore. I see nothing wrong with stalking someone's account but not to the point of hacking them. Even Alden's sister got her IG account hacked. That is invasion of privacy people. Oh, another thing is, I heard about people camping in front of the Mendoza Family's house. That is so overboard, try to respect other people's personal space. 
  5. #KurotPaMore. I know you're just excited and happy that you get to see them up close. But why... WHY do you need to grab them... WILDLY!... They are HUMANS, not rag dolls. They get hurt. Why don't you be contented with giving them a high five or waving at them? No need to touch. Close kayo? Close? My goodness, have some breeding guys. Control yourselves.

It is no doubt, the accidental pairing of Maine "Yaya Dub" Mendoza and Alden Richards became very successful and is now the hottest celebrity love team of 2015. Their rise to fame in just a few months is truly astonishing. So are their fans who supported them all the way, who even broke the twitter world record last October 24, which is pretty awesome, aside from that there are positive things about the Aldub Nation too:
  1. Aldub as an inspiration. Many fans made Aldub their inspiration to create different works of art ranging from drawings, songs, stories, murals, and even wood carvings.
  2. Aldub as a way of living. Fans now, especially kids, are following Lola Nidora's life lessons.
  3. As a Nation. The Aldub Nation is a symbol of unity for us Filipinos.
Er.. that's all I could think of for now.

True that the Aldub Nation is powerful, but at least use that unity in a positive manner.
Thanks for reading, and if you have any comments or there is something I didn't mention, just leave them on the comments below. 

Aldub you ;)

Friday, June 19, 2015

Review: Jurassic World

The sci-fi adventure film, Jurassic Park comes back with its fourth installment, Jurassic World. Twenty-two years after the events on JP, Isla Nublar now has a fully functional dinosaur theme park; with all kinds of facilities and attractions... which includes by the way.. Rexy the T-Rex from the first three movies (finally they managed to handle the dinos while ensuring the people's safety... or so we think). However, ten years after the park first opened to the public, they are beginning to  experience decline in visitor rates. And so.. they came up with this crazy idea of creating a genetically modified dinosaur using multiple  strand of genes from different predatory animals, to re-spark the people's interest once again. Seriously? have we not learned anything from the previous movies? Why a predator?

So.. the movie begins with these two kids going on a trip to the island where their aunt works. But she is too busy with her work to look after them so she had someone else accompany them. The boys enjoy the park including their visit with Rexy while their Aunt Claire is very busy recruiting new investors and the introduces the Indominus Rex. She calls the Owen Grady, a Velociraptor trainer to inspect this new specie before opening up her exhibit to the public. Owen then warns her that I-rex is dangerous since it never socialized with other dinosaurs. And it appeared he was right after this clever creature managed to escape and started terrorizing the island (when will they learn their lesson?) only to be finally stopped by Blue, one of Owen's raptors and Rexy who was obviously not happy with having a new dino take his place as the antagonist. (yey Rexy!)

I'd say.. Jurassic World is great. Not to mention the CGI dinos are good too. The makers of this film taught us once again to not meddle too much with mother nature's works or we suffer the consequences in the future. With the Indominus Rex symbolizing humans' desire for more even though everything we have is already within our reach, it leaves a lesson that our own excessive desires could destroy us. That's a pretty good lesson don't you think? Not to mention many people of this age is never satisfied and they want a faster, louder, stronger, and bigger dinosaur to fulfill their desires.

"Should I watch Jurassic World?" - I'd say Yes! It's pretty good ;) Cheer for Rexy who saved the day! <3 She finally did something good after all these years.

"What should I look forward to while watching the film?" -- Uhm... when I wast watching, I was pretty occupied with figuring out that species were used to create the Indominus Rex lol. Even though some species were mentioned, there are a lot that remained untold and is up to the viewer to figure if out.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

5 Things Why Having a Childhood Friend Rocks! (A reply to the Fabulous Ostrich)

So.. for my first blog entry after my comeback, I present my version of The Fabulous Ostrich's blog post "5 Things Why Having a Childhood Friend Rocks!" And as I am feeling lazy to edit photos at this hour, I will be using some of her images! (excuse me for doing so my dear friend haha!)

Guess what..I am posting this exactly one month after she wrote this entry so happy one month to her post (^-^)/*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*
She created the blog entry some weeks before graduation. Who would have thought the person I would be with during my college graduation is the same person I was with during my grade school. Now that we are officially fresh graduates, we still plan to stay in touch and do things together. Yes, with a 14 year friendship it is quite difficult to separate us. We are always together that all we need is a ring and one roof to live in :3
Grade School Days

Finally got our diplomas!

Let us begin! *insert sparkles here*

For some of those who have childhood friends like us, I bet you might agree with some of these:

1. Fights are almost impossible...

For being together that long, wouldn't it be a waste to ruin something so precious? Second, what is there to fight about anyway? We know almost everything about one another already that we can't even find something to argue about. And third, we are utterly immune to each other, one says something offensive, the other says something even more offensive, and we just laugh it off like we did not just try to insult one another.

2. Fangirling 101

We both flail over guys.. of course, we a girls after all. The only difference is, hers is 2D while mine is some idol who doesn't even know I exist. And we never had a problem with boys (as I have said earlier, we never fight), why? because our types are completely different. Also, there is this one specific senpai (senior) whom we both fangirl over with.... NOTICE US SENPAI!

3. Having one common enemy

It is automatic, if one of us gets an enemy, rest assured the other will come for support. If we were in the Hunger Games we'll definitely become partners targeting that one annoying tribute who keeps on chasing after us.

4. Time? What time?

NO... an entire day will never be enough for us to chat,  not even an entire month. We spent almost everyday of our lives talking, eating together, shopping together, and go home together. When we get home you may think we are already resting but nope.. nuh uh.. we are still online on our facebook accounts continuing our topic on the ride home.


If either one of us has extra cash in her wallet, and the other one is broke then worry not. Because we pay for each other's meal. Because our class ends at 6pm we often eat dinner in the nearby cafeteria or fastfood chain (ahem Mcdonald's ahem). If we're both broke then screw it! TO THE MASTER SIOMAI!

Of course, the best thing with having a childhood friend is having someone you can share your memories with. We may have graduated from college already and like it or not, we may part ways but all those time we shared will be forever engraved in time. AYAN MAY FOREVER HA! XD 

For the nth time congratulations to us! ^-^