Friday, February 11, 2022

"I've graduated college... What Now?"


    As a child, some adults make it sound like life would go on smoothly right after you get that diploma with your name and college degree printed on it. Only to find yourself lost and not knowing what to do next after all those years of studying. Sure, many fresh graduates already know where they're headed towards their career, but there are still some who still can't decide what they're going to do.

    If you live in my country, finding a job related to your chosen field is pretty challenging if you don't have connections. Most companies require a job experience before accepting applicants, leaving very small chances for those who are just starting with their career. So... what do I do now?

1. Don't give up

    After a few rejections, some of us would feel disappointed and feel the urge to give up. DON'T. Keep submitting those resume and surely one of those companies will be taking interest in you.

2. Step out of your comfort zone

    Most graduates aim to get a job in their chosen field one day. But if you're having a hard time getting into your dream company, maybe it's time to chose another path for the meantime. Get an entry level job somewhere who accepts those without any job experience. This'll equip you with new skills, expand your network, and may give you the required experience the bigger companies are looking for. This will also help you get to know yourself more and discover other things that you can do.

3. Confidence is key

    Many companies, especially those that require you to face a lot of people will observe how you carry yourself during the interviews. When they ask you questions they are often checking how fast and clear you deliver your thoughts and how confident you are. Keep yourself calm and answer those questions as natural as possible. Imagine yourself in class, explaining to your teacher during a recitation.

4. Don't let them get to you

    Once you get that job, you will be introduced to a new group of people. And not all of them are pleasant. Some will see you as a threat and give you a hard time, some will not be appreciative enough, some will make you uncomfortable. This is part of the life as an employee. Every company out there will have their own set of people who is set to make your life miserable. But don't let them get to you, focus on your goals, connect with colleagues who are willing to help you grow. If they step over the line, let the human resources do their job. Only quit when you think they're already causing harm to you and you are getting no help.

5. Don't feel pressured.

    Thanks to social media, we're now updated with our batchmate's lives. We see how they're doing, some are already getting married, buying their first car, or getting that dream vacation they've always wanted. As happy as we are for them, some can't help but feel pressured and compare others' success to theirs. Not to mention family members who has a lot of expectations on you. This triggers a lot of anxiety and self doubt. Don't let yourself fall into this and remember to move at your own pace. You will get there someday, trust yourself.

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